EffeTech HTTP Sniffer is an HTTP packet sniffer and protocol analyzer. This program monitors the HTTP activity in a network, in a framed interface. In the upper left panel you will see the general information about each HTTP connection (time, client and server IP, URL, file length, status and information). If you click on any entry, the progam will display the HTTP request and response header in the lower panels. Right clicking on any entry will give you even more detailed information, such as buffering index, TCP segment number and acknowledge number, content, URL, text, hexadecimal content of the packets, and request and response HTTP commands. You can export the list of captured packets to a text file for future reference.
EffeTech HTTP Sniffer needs that you have WinPCap, a network packet capture driver, already installed in your system. If you don´t have it, the program´s installer will offer you to install the latest version when it finishes installing HTTP Sniffer.
The unregistered version of this program will be fully operational for fifteen days.